lauantai 29. kesäkuuta 2013

attention attention!

You may have seen some changes lately and maybe the biggest one is the new layout of my blog! I also changed my blogs name to "Diva" because I got bored with "Lace Tree".

Anyway I would like to remind you dear readers that day after tomorrow Google Reader will be delated so you won't get any notifications of my new posts. That's why I ask you to start follow me on Bloglovin as soon as possible :-) I have only 9 readers through Bloglovin and over 100 from Google Reader so please darlings remember to follow me also from Bloglovin. Here is the link you can start to follow me on Bloglovin <3

Love you all! xxx

ps. camera is soon mine so I can post something more interesting here!
Clothes and stuff coming up!

pps. have I mentioned about my really bad tattoo-fever

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